Biddable freight offers for carriers

Carriers can now find biddable freight offers directly from Shippers in Teleroute.

  • Bid on the Shipper freight you really want, and drive profitability
  • Pitch online, at the best rate for carriers
  • Low deal-making costs; everything happens online
  • Only in Teleroute this type of Shipper freight is offered

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Market demands for reliable transport professionals are high. Then, why shouldn't carriers capitalise on this opportunity?

In Teleroute carriers will now find biddable freight offers directly from Shippers. Access a broad range of premium line freight, that normally would be hard to get.

Via Teleroute you can push awareness of your loading capabilities directly to the Shipper, and capture this new freight.

Thanks to the system of automated spot bidding, there is less negotiation so you can firm up more on your pricing.

Get instant transport deals fully matching your capacity costs.

This way, carriers will become the quick solution the market wants, and transform new shippers into strategic partners to expand their business.

Look for this icon for freight offers from Shippers.
Select the freight you want, and set your price.
Wait until your bid is accepted. Done!


Because everything happens online, Teleroute greatly reduces the complexity of finding and capturing freight.

No need to do cumbersome negotiations anymore. Make your bid and secure the deal online in just a few clicks.


Teleroutes freight exchange is the fastest way to improve your service levels. Because carriers can work quickly, safely and digitally on our platform.

Try it today. It’ll open up your business.

Let us show you how Teleroute benefits your logistic business. Just fill out the form below:

The freight exchange is only available for transporters, carriers, freight forwarders and shippers.