SPOT for Shippers: Secure a transport offer today

SPOT is the fastest way for Shippers to find carrier capacity at the best rates.

  • Get transport offers from 85.000 verified EU carriers
  • Stay in full control of your transport price
  • No phone calls or emails. 100% digital. 100% safe
  • Save time and money

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Do you need a transport offer fast? Tired of endless phone calls and emails just to make a transport deal?

With SPOT, powered by Teleroute, you’ll get access to Europe’s most reliable carrier network to receive transport rates and get your freight shipped as soon as possible.

All of this at the price you set beforehand.

You’re guaranteed to get the best tariffs from 70.000 reliable carriers, because we verified and rated all of them. Why? Because we verified and rated all of them!

SPOT helps Shippers pick the best partner for the job, and thus saving time in the sourcing process.

Enter your transport requirements and price.
Wait for the bids to come in...
Pick the carrier with the best offer. Done.


Sometimes, Shippers just need to ship goods as fast as possible. But not at any price.

With SPOT you create freight offers where you are in full control of the price. Set your price point, wait for the transport offers to come in, and then pick the carrier with the best transport rate.

That’s it! And everything stays digital. That means less complexity and no overhead and thus contributing to your bottom line.

SPOT allows shippers to vastly expand their carrier network. Quickly benchmark the market, compare prices and decide in real-time.

You’ll never miss a shipment again and keep customers happy.

Already have preferred carriers? No problem, we’ll onboard them too!

Try SPOT today. It’s worth it.

Let us show you how Teleroute benefits your logistic business. Just fill out the form below:

The freight exchange is only available for transporters, carriers, freight forwarders and shippers.