Find the premium transport partner
- Check the partner in less than 1 minute before closing the deal
- Check payment behaviour
- Check his activity in Teleroute
Increase your chances to get new business
- Power your rating through Teleroute usage
- Benefit from good payment behaviour
- Differentiate from competition
A company has a rating when
- The Company is active in Teleroute Freight Exchange and has more than one freight posting and or freight/vehicle search over the last 12 months
- New Customers have a rating after the first 30 days of Teleroute usage
How does it work?
The rating is based on 3 criterias:
Activity as Freight Poster
The number of stars is based on the Freight Posting activity in Teleroute.
Two star rating: Increase your freight postings for more stars.
Activity as Freight Searcher
The number of stars is based on the Freight Searching activity in Teleroute.
Three star rating: Increase your freight searchings for more stars.
On time payment behaviour
The number of stars is based on the payment behaviour toward other operators in Teleroute combined with activity.
Four star rating: No payment problems? Higher rating!